Issued on 15 June 2011 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on 20 June 2011 in Church House Community Centre, Kirkbymoorside
Presentation from Ms Helen Gundry on North Yorkshire County Council Public Transport Consultation
To receive apologies for absence.
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 23 May 2011.
To receive the draft minutes of the Staffing Committee held on 6 June 2011.
To receive the minutes of the Manor Vale Committee held on 20 May 2011.
To consider matters arising.
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
To confirm the appointment of the Town Clerk, Ms Sally Brown as Responsible Financial Officer and Proper Officer to Kirkbymoorside Town Council.
To agree to allow the Planning Committee to make decisions on planning applications at Planning Committee Meetings and to agree that these meetings take place at 6.30pm prior to every Ordinary Meeting.
To review planning applications:(Links to Ryedale District Council Planning Portal not available until 17 June 2011. Hard copies at Council Office)
11/00260/FUL by Mr H Clark | Erection of a three bedroom dwelling to include lowering of site levels and formation of parking/turning and amenity areas (revised details to refusal 10/00332/FUL) | Land to South of 16 Church Street Kirkbymoorside York
11/00438/HOUSE by Mr Mark and Mrs Lisa Wake | Erection of 2 no single storey extensions and extension of existing detached single garage to form a detached triple garage | Priory Lodge Village Street Keldholme Kirkbymoorside York
Discussions with District and County Councillors
County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
Town Cemetery
To review the costs of running the cemetery and consider how fully these costs should be recouped in charges.
To consider whether a fund should be created in order to deal with future cemetery maintenance costs.
To consider amending standing orders to allow the Chairman to invite a member of the public to speak during a meeting, any such speaker being under the jurisdiction of the Chairman, who may impose limits on the length of speeches or request the termination of a speech at their absolute discretion.
To consider the following proposals for Internet services from Councillor Brampton:
The council seek quotes for the design of a new web site based on Joomla! software. That is open source software which is free of charge, and which is designed for the generation of dynamic web sites. It is widely used and support services for Joomla! based sites are relatively easy to find. It is used, for example, by the Town Team and by (a site that was created by the IT Services at Ryedale District Council).
Councillor Brampton is offering to provide free hosting for the web site and for the mail boxes needed by the council, including the provision of ancillary services such as mailing lists, which are unavailable from Vision. This also includes the hosting of any services such as the agenda setting web pages that fall outside the main web site.
Councillor Brampton is offering technical support for these services, with administration of the web site content to be handled by council officers. The proposed software is designed for the updating of content by non-technical people.
To consider a response to the bus consultation from North Yorkshire County Council.
To agree the form for the Kirkbymoorside 2012 Community Award and to note that the closing date for entries will be January 2012.
To consider varying the number of Councillors on the Town Council or whether to co-opt at this present time.
To consider if Councillors wish to receive their agendas and supporting paperwork for Council Meetings as hard copy, by e-mail or both.
To consider financial matters:
To approve cheque payments according to the list provided.
To consider setting a bulk purchase price for local retailers selling “Kirkbymoorside Trails”, bearing in mind the retail price is £1.
Council Offices:
To approve the signing of a four year lease for the Shambles Office
To note that the refurbishment will begin on 1 July 2011 and the staff will be working independently with files kept at The Old Library.
To note that the Town Clerk will continue to collect post and telephone messages from the office, both e-mail and phone number remains the same.
To note that there will be no opening times to the public from 1 July but appointments can be arranged.
Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies
Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
Receive officers' report
To note that the Assistant to the Town Clerk worked an additional 36.25 hours in May due to increased workload.
To note that staff have contacted the contractor regarding the state of the pound.
Questions to the Chairman
To consider whether to accept a late application form for the position of handyman.
To consider excluding the public for the following item on the grounds that information to be discussed is confidential.
To consider selecting a handyman from the applicants.
To note the date of the next meeting on 18 July at 7 pm in Church House.