Issued on 30 August 2013 for an ExtraOrdinary meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30pm on Friday 6 September 2013 at Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
To receive apologies for absence.
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 15 July 2013
To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15 July 2013
To receive the minutes of the Manor Vale Management Committee meeting held on 25 July
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
To set Terms of Reference for the TC Sportsfield Committee
To determine a budget for the TC Sportsfield Committee based on recommendations by the Finance Committee
The Sports Clubs
To agree to establish an individual contract with each club
To agree to receive fees from each club to cover its individual use of the land, the insurance cost of common areas and maintenance cost of common areas
To agree to charge each club individually for a proportion of the utility bills determined by usage (subject to review)
To agree that pitch using clubs will be charged proportionately for the groundsman's services and any pitch maintenance costs
To agree to facilitate the transition of the old SFA into a flexible fundraising charity for supporting sport in Kirkbymoorside and District
Employment Issues
To note that the current groundsman will be retiring on 31 December 2013
To receive from representatives of the former SFA Committee details of any pension arrangements or commitments to a retirement gratuity or any other such scheme
To agree that any financial liability should be met from the former Sportsfield Committee' funds
To consider the appointment of a new groundsman from 1 January 2014
To consider setting up a TC Sportsfield bank account
To agree to settle any existing accounts pertaining to the SFA Committee and transfer the remaining balance of funds to the TC Sportsfield account
To agree to delegate re-invoicing utility charges for individual sports clubs to Moore Stephens
To note that the Sportsfield accounts will increase the number of transactions currently undertaken by Moore Stephens
The Recreation Club
To receive from representatives of the former SFA Committee details of existing agreements or arrangements for management of the Recreation Club
To receive an inventory of the stock and property of the Recreation Club
To consider proposals for the future management of the Recreation Club
To agree the formation of a Recreation Club Committee and appoint members
To consider the terms of reference of the Recreation Club Committee
To receive details of any outstanding issues and consider appropriate actions
Questions to the Chairman.
To confirm that the next ordinary meeting of the council will be at 7.30pm on 16 September 2013 in Church House.
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