Issued on 30th June 2016 for a meeting of the Play Areas and Sports Committee to be held in The Moorside Room, 9 Church Street, Kirkbymoorside on 7th July 2016 at 7pm
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.
To receive apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve the Minutes for the Play Areas & Sports committee meeting on 17th March 2016
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
Club Lease & Pitch Licences
To receive the club leases and pitch licences
To consider and agree to make recommendation to the council for the issue of the club leases and pitch licences
To note that the Community Defibrillator will be installed on the exterior wall of the Bowling Club building
To note that energy contracts have been negotiated and agreed with Total Gas and British Gas for gas and electric respectively with effect from September 2016
To note that there has been no progress in respect of the proposed development of a new cricket/football pavillion at the sports field as no information has been forthcoming from the cricket and football clubs
Recreation Club
To note that interest has been expressed in respect of establishing a recreation club at the cricket/football club building on a week by week basis
To receive and note comments from the sports club representatives
To consider and agree to recommemd sole occupancy of the cricket/football club building by the cricket/football clubs during the respective club seasons
To consider and agree to recommend that management of the club building be assigned to the cricket/football clubs during the respective club seasons
To consider and agree to make recommendations to the Town Council
To note that an independent inspection of the play area equipment at Ryedale View was carried out by Richard Marshall,Kompan on 22nd June 2016 and the safety surfacing for the play area is compliant and fit for purpose
To note the following remedial repairs at the Old Road play area and skatepark:
Replacement of the wooden gate between the skatepark and the play area by Duncombe Saw Mill
Felling of one tree and crown lift to four trees adjacent to the skatepark has been carried out by Bilsdale Tree Services following storm damage in June 2016
Repedial repairs have been carried out to the two benches and associated ground surfacing adjacent to the skatepark by P&A Gospel Landscaping
To note that signage reading 'Please pick up after your dog' and 'All dogs to be kept on leads' has been installed at the entrances to the play areas due to an increase in the incidence of complaints about dog fouling and irresponsible dog owners
Questions to the Chairman
To agree the date of the next meeting
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