Issued on 9th March 2017 for a meeting of the Play Areas and Sports Committee to be held in The Moorside Room, 9 Church Street Kirkbymoorside on 16th March 2017 at 7pm
To receive apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve the Minutes for the Play Areas & Sports committee meeting on 7th July 2016
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
Club Lease & Pitch Licences
To note that, as of 9th March 2017, with exception of the Tennis Club all pitch licences and leases have been signed and returned to Wellers Hedley Solicitors
To receive the draft 2017/18 levy charges
To consider and agree to recommend the 2017/18 levy charges to the Council
To receive a report on progress of the refurbishment of the cricket/football club house and changing rooms
To note the response from Steven Wade, County Development Manager, North Riding County Football Association Ltd. in respect of use of the changing room and club house facilities by Junior football teams
Basketball half court at Old Road play area
To acknowledge receipt of the proposal for a basketball half court at Old Road play area
To consider the quotations received and agree a contractor for the project works
To consider and agree to make recommendation to the full Council for part contribution of the project costs
To consider and agree to apply to the Big Lottery Fund, 'Awards For All' programme for the balance of project costs
To note that the Town Clerk will attend the ROSPA Routine Visual Inspection Course at York on Wednesday 7th June as approved by the full council Minute 16186
To note the purchase of replacement parts for the Kompan play equipment at Ryedale View play area authorised by the full council, February 2017
To note remedial repairs and replacement parts of the Playdale Trim Trail in the Old Road play area, authorised by the full council, September 2016
Questions to the Chairman
To agree the date of the next meeting