Kirkbymoorside Town Council

Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT
Tel: 01751 432217

Agenda Planning Committee 17th June 2019

Issued on 11th June 2019 for a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held at Church House, Kirkbymoorside on 17th June 2019 at 7.15pm

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend. Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.

  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising
    1. To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15th April 2019
    2. To consider matters arising
  4. Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
  5. To review planning applications:
    1. 19/00575/FUL | Demolition of existing lean to office and reception and erection of single storey extension to create new office/reception facilities (revised scheme to approval 18/00597/FUL dated 23.08.2018) | Yorkshire Laundry Service Ings Lane Kirkbymoorside YO62 6DN
    2. 19/00585/FUL | Erection of a single storey rear extension to form WCs' and an additional treatment room | 37 West End Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6AD
    3. 19/00640/HOUSE | Erection of replacement car port, single storey front link extension, single storey part side/part rear extension, removal of existing conservatory and replacement with entrance bay, installation of 7no. rooflights to front elevation and enlargement of rear dormer | Manor Vale View 23 Castlegate Kirkbymoorside YO62 6BW
  6. To note Planning Decisions:
    1. 19/00438/HOUSE | Installation of UPVC double glazed doors and windows to the front and side elevations to replace the existing double glazed timber doors and windows | The Barn Tinley Garth Kirkbymoorside YO62 6AR Approval
  7. To note the date of the next meeting will be 15th July 2019 if there are Planning Applications for consideration

Related Document3

Notice issued by Mrs L Bolland, Town Clerk to Kirkbymoorside Town Council