To oversee the annual budget process and to liaise and advise other Committees with the setting of their budgets by the council.
To recommend to full council the annual Precept
To be responsible for regular monitoring of the Council’s Budget and reserves position
To be responsible for reporting requests for virements to Town Council
To be responsible for ensuring that the Council’s agreed spending objectives are met
To be responsible for annual reviews of relevant policies and procedures to safeguard the Council’s finances
To regularly review, and recommend to Council where necessary, amendments to the Council's Financial Regulations
To consider, on behalf of Council, responses to auditors' reports
To work with and co-operate with officers in their duties with regard to preparing any financial documentation on behalf of Council
To prepare proposals for the creation and investment of a Cemetery Fund, with an initial contribution from the council's cash reserves and subsequent contributions from the capital element of cemetery charges
Ad-hoc monitoring of expenditure in cost categories.
To ensure that financial procedures are being carried out in accordance with Financial Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
From time to time to make proposals to the Council for any appropriate amendments to the Financial Standing Orders
To ensure items of expenditure that are over £1,000 (or the appropriate limit as amended from time to time in Financial Regulations), that quotes are being sought, and that a tendering process is being applied on items over £20,000 (and as required by Financial Regulations).
To also review a selection of expenditure items below the current limits (items selected as determined by Committee) to confirm good practice is being operated throughout the Council purchasing process.
To implement and review a 3 year rolling budget/forecast.