Issued on 12th October 2016 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30 pm on 17th October 2016 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
To receive apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 19th September 2016
To receive the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 6th October 2016
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
To consider financial matters:
To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
To receive the Financial Summary to 31 September 2016
To receive recommendations from the Finance Committee regarding the budget for 2017/18
To consider and agree the cost of £875 plus VAT for PATT Testing and electrical installation of the town Christmas lights
To determine the precept for 2017/18
To consider and agree to the expense of £75 to purchase 50no. car parking spaces in Town Farm Car Park on 26th November 2016 at the concessionary day rate of £1.50 each
To review the summary of sums insured prior to the renewal of the Insurance on 1 November 2016
To note the announcement made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his Summer Budget that with effect from 1st November 2015 the rate at which the Government levies Insurance Premium Tax will increase from 6% to 9.5% with a further increase to 10% with effect from 1st October 2016 (the change in rate of taxation is reflected in the renewal rate)
To note (for ease of reference) that the 3 year Long Term Agreement with Aviva was agreed and renewed from 1st November 2015
To consider and agree the annual premium rate of £2,538.55 inclusive of 10% insurance premium tax and £15.00 policy administration fee
To consider and agree a grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside History Group for £1200 to purchase one wasp waisted mannequin, made to order, two child manaquins and six sets of archival storage containers for hat/dress combinations
Public Wi-Fi
To consider additional information provided by Craig Nattress, Visitor Economy Officer, Ryedale District Council on the proposal to implement public wi-fi in the town centre and agree a suitable response
Church House
To receive an update on progress made by the Library Steering Committee
To consider and agree that the requirement for the Town Clerk to provide weekly cover at the library is no longer valid subsequent to the lapse of the Service Level Agreement with NYCC Library Services
To consider and agree that an arrangement for support of the library volunteers by the Town Clerk be considered for effect from April 2017
To receive an update on progress with regards to flood management in Kirkbymoorside
To receive an update on progress with regards to the upgrade of street lighting columns throughout Kirkbymoorside
To receive an update on progress with regards to the sports club leases
To consider the consultation on the Identification and Review of Visually Important Undeveloped Areas being carried out by RDC as part of the Ryedale Plan and consider a suitable response in respect of the changes to existing VIUAs, and proposed new VIUAs, as appropriate
To note that Northern Gas Networks will be carrying out essential gas mains replacement works in West End, Kirbymoorside from Monday 31st October for approximately 6 weeks
Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
Receive the Town Clerk's report
Questions to the Chairman
To note the date of the next ordinary meeting of the Town Council on 21 November 2016 at 7.30 pm in Church House