Kirkbymoorside Town Council

Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT
Tel: 01751 432217

Agenda - Planning Committee 21st October 2019

Issued on 15th October 2019 for a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held at Church House, Kirkbymoorside on 21st October 2019 at 7.15pm

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend. Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.

  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising
    1. To approve the minutes and Appendix A of the Planning Committee meeting held on 16th September 2019
    2. To consider matters arising
  4. Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
  5. To review planning applications:
    1. 19/00922/FUL | Change of use of Highways Depot (sui generis) to a mixed use of B1 and B8 Uses and removal of 8no. portable containers and cabins as listed on the Building Schedule on Drawing No. KWL/093/03/02 Rev.B Proposed Block Plan & Location Plan | North Yorkshire Highways Depot Manor Vale Lane Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6EG amended - change of description of proposed development. Omission of B2 use
    2. 19/01061/HOUSE | Erection of two storey part side/part rear extension | 10 Amble Close Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6HL
    3. 19/01084/HOUSE | Installation of white uPVC windows as replacement to existing timber windows to front elevation | 9 Howe End Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6BE
    4. 19/01172/COND | Discharge of condition 13 of planning approval 19/00206/FUL dated 02.08.2019 | Kia Motors Piercy End Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6DT Conditions of Planning Approval 19/00206/FUL
  6. To note planning decisions:
    1. 18/01313/MFUL | Erection of 32no. dwellings comprising 2no. two bedroom dwellings, 12no. 3 bedroom dwellings and 18no. four bedroom dwellings with associated garaging, parking and access | Land To North Of Wainds Field Kirkbymoorside YO62 6JG Conditional approval as recommended and subject to S106 agreement
  7. To note the date of the next meeting will be 18th November 2019 if there are Planning Applications for consideration

Related Documents:

Notice issued by Mrs L Bolland, Town Clerk to Kirkbymoorside Town Council