Kirkbymoorside Town Council

The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY
Tel: 01751 432217


Issued on 14 March 2011 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on Monday 21 March 2011 in the Manor Vale Community Centre, Kirkbymoorside

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend

  1. To receive apologies for absence.
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising
    1. To approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 7 March 2011.
    2. To receive the minutes of the Staffing Committee held on 12 March 2011.
    3. To consider matters arising.
  4. Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
  5. To review planning applications:
    1. 11/00118/HOUSE by Mr & Mrs Peter Blunt | Erection of single storey linking extension to rear | 36 Castlegate Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6BJ
    2. 11/00140/HOUSE by Miss Liz Turnbull | Erection of two storey extension to side and rear elevations. | 48 Keld Head Orchard Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6EF
    3. 11/00174/HOUSE by Mrs J Luck | Erection of single-storey rear extension | 14 Oak Close Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6PR
  6. Discussions with District and County Councillors
    1. County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
    2. Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
    3. County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
  7. Questions to the Chairman
  8. Uncontroversial matters - single vote on all without discussion, or move items down the agenda
    1. Request officers to write to banks about reduced services (citizen's request)
    2. Request officers to review volunteer assistance at Old Road Play Area
    3. Delegate to officers procurement of new sign for Old Road Play Area from local supplier on best available terms
    4. Authorise council officers to manage all the council's internet services
    5. Authorise council officers to purchase replacement for sticking mortice sashlock and install or have installed by local joiner
  9. Select the recipient for the Kirkbymoorside Community Award
  10. Consider requests for grants (application forms provided separately):
    1. Kirkbymoorside PCC requests £2,000 towards churchyard maintenance
    2. Kirkbymoorside Sports Field Association requests £1,767.60 for rubbish bins or
    3. Consider offering to provide rubbish bins for the sports field
  11. To consider Old Library matters:
    1. Delegate to council officers the commissioning of a local builder to adjust the window which will not close and replace a missing tile on the right hand side of the porch roof after obtaining up to three quotations
    2. To receive and consider adopting recommendations from the informal meeting of the Old Library Committee held in the Old Library on 11 March 2011, viz:
      1. Agree to defer any major decision on the Old Library until after a Parish Plan has been developed
      2. Agree to make it known that the Old Library is available for use in its present state by groups in the town, subject to verification of insurance status
      3. Agree that the council will consider minor renovations to the Old Library if there is a viable plan for its interim use
    3. Consider whether to appoint a new member to replace Mr C Grumbley who has resigned, and if an appointment is to be made, to appoint an applicant from previous submissions or to request new submissions; or to dissolve the committee.
  12. To adopt proposals made by the staffing committee:
    1. Approve the job description prepared by the staffing committee
    2. Approve the person specification prepared by the staffing committee
    3. Agree to create a single job shared or dual part time post of town clerk
    4. Agree to set the new post at points 23 to 29 inclusive of the local government salary scales
    5. Set the normal hours for each half of the post to 10 per week
    6. Agree to appraisals being carried out by 2 or 3 members of the staffing committee
    7. Agree that appraisal of new staff be after 3 months, 6 months and then annually
    8. Agree on the approach to be taken on advertising and the costs to be incurred
  13. Consider reducing the committed office opening hours to 10 am to 2 pm on Wednesdays only until a new clerk is in post, other hours as available or by arrangement.
  14. Consider the purchase of new signs for the main entry points to Kirkbymoorside
  15. (Cllr Brampton) Alter the quorum for the staffing committee from 2 to 3.
  16. (Cllr Dowie) To consider arranging a meeting with the Library Service, Youth Service and interested members of the local community to discuss conducting an analysis of the needs of the community and to explore ways of increasing the use of Church House by the community thus increasing income.
  17. (Cllr Dowie) To consider the condition and upkeep of the public footpaths (snickets) in the town.
  18. (Cllr Dowie) To receive an update regarding the flooding in Manor Vale, Manor Close and West End.
  19. (Cllr Dowie) To consider how and when to work on a Parish Plan.
  20. (Cllr Dowie) To consider holding monthly surgeries so that people in the town can raise concerns, pass on ideas etc. (by appointment Chair/Vice Chair and other councillors in turn)
  21. To consider financial matters:
    1. To appoint one of Councillors De Barr, Brampton, Cossins, Donald, Gunton, Mudd, Ward (councillor auditors excluded) as temporary acting Responsible Financial Officer
    2. To purchase the Scribe2010 accounting software designed for local council use, quoted price £295
    3. To purchase a computer for the accounting software at a price of £305 plus carriage
    4. To select a quotation and award a contract for the entering of the accounts for the year to 31 March 2011 and the preparation of final accounts and annual return
    5. To select a quotation and award a contract for the ongoing maintenance of the council's accounts for the year commencing 1 April 2011
    6. To select a quotation and award a contract for handling the council's payroll for the year commencing 1 April 2011
    7. To delegate authority to council officers to agree terms and purchase assistance for the completion of the current year's payroll operations from the supplier selected in the preceding item
    8. To authorise the council's officers to vary the above prices by up to 20% if necessary
    9. To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
  22. To note planning decisions from Ryedale District Council:
    1. 10/00878/73A for Mr & Mrs Shaw | Refused | Removal of Condition 04 on approval 07/00293/FUL dated 23.05.2007 to allow the occupation of the annexe/extension as a separate residential dwelling within its own curtilage | Starfits House Starfits Lane Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6JF
    2. 10/01166/73A for Mrs Magson | Approved | Variation of Condition 03 of approval 04/00570/FUL dated 30.06.2004 to allow Lund Barn to be used as a local needs occupancy dwelling in addition to holiday letting | Lund Barn Ings Lane Kirkbymoorside York YO60 6DN
    3. 10/01406/HOUSE for Mr & Mrs Webster | Approved | Erection of kitchen extension with storage above and installation of replacement dormer to south elevation together with formation of pitched roof over existing garage | 4 Springfield Lane Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6LU
    4. 11/00025/HOUSE for Mr Derek Thrippleton | Refused | Installation of door to give access to second floor fire escape balcony (retrospective application) | Flat 5 Chapel House 26 West End Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6AF
  23. Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
  24. Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies.
  25. Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
  26. Receive officers' report
  27. Note that the British Legion is promoting a “Great Poppy Party Weekend”
  28. To note the date of the next meeting on 18 April 2011 at 7 pm in the Manor Vale Community Centre.
agenda2011-03-21.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/28 17:45 (external edit)
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