
Minutes - Town Meeting

Current Year

The council year runs from the Annual Meeting in May through to the last meetings before the next Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the council is always held in May, and there are particular rules in election years.

The 2011 election saw too few candidates for a poll, and subsequently all eight candidates were automatically appointed. In May 2015 there were only seven candidates for the nine seats so again the election was uncontested. The next election is due in May 2019.

Financial years run from 1 April to 30 March the following year.

The council's Annual Meeting should not be confused with the Town Meeting which is held in the spring each year. Other Town Meetings can be held if needed.

Please note that minutes provided here are for information only and should be suitable for most purposes. Although the council makes every effort to ensure that the documents available here are correct, for strict legal purposes you should request sight of the hard copy signed minutes that are held in the council office. If inspection during normal opening hours is inconvenient for you, please contact the town clerk to make an alternative appointment.

When first released, minutes are drafts, subject to revision at the following meeting of the council or committee, when they are reviewed and signed.

Minutes - Town Council

Minutes - Finance Committee

Manor Vale Management Committee Minutes

Moorside Room Committee

Planning Committee Minutes

Staffing Committee Minutes

Previous Years

minutes.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/14 12:54 by bolland
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