Kirkbymoorside Town Council
The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY | |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Issued on 16 May 2011 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on 23 May 2011 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 11 May 2011 and the Ordinary Meeting held on 11 May 2011
- To receive the minutes of the Staffing Committee held on 16 May 2011
- To receive the minutes of the Manor Vale Committee held on 20 May 2011
- To consider matters arising.
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
- To review planning applications:
- 11/00375/FUL by Mr P Gamble | Erection of a general purpose agricultural building to include the housing of livestock | Land At OS Fields 5200 5209 Ings Lane Kirkbymoorside York
- Discussions with District and County Councillors
- County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
- Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
- County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
- Questions to the Chairman
- Uncontroversial matters - single vote on all without discussion, or move items down the agenda
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve the draft accounts for 2010/11
- To consider varying the current year's budget in light of last year's accounts
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- Consider requests for grants (application forms provided separately):
- To consider the provision of 10 plastic bins at Kirkbymoorside Sportsfield at a cost not exceeding £2000.
- To confirm that Council members are unanimously committed to working for the benefit of the town and providing excellent value for money.
- To consider appointing a self employed contractor to carry out maintenance tasks and repairs as necessary. To agree the appointment procedure, hourly rate and maximum cost for each job done.
- To decide if an appointed Councillor will attend the Parish Liasion meeting in Malton on 15 June 2011 and to consider any items for this agenda.
- To consider whether the Town Council wishes to coopt at this present time or wishes to reduce the number of seats on the Town Council
- To consider authorising the team delegated in dealing with Church House to negotiate a service agreement with North Yorkshire County Council including front of house services at a cost not exceeding £2500 plus meeting room costs.
- To receive information from the Staffing Committee regarding the appointment of the new Town Clerk.
- To note planning decisions from Ryedale District Council:
- 11/00236/FUL|Approved| by Mr & Mrs Cornforth | Erection of rear first floor extension above garden room | 4 Parkers Mount Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6JB
- Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies.
- Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
- Receive officers' report
- To note that communication from Ryedale District Council has been received regarding the flooding issues but a full report is not yet available.
- To note that the Assistant to the Town Clerk will be going to a SLCC Regional Conference on 9 June 2011.
- To note that the new Town Clerk may wish to go to the Regional Meeting on the 9 June and the Branch Meeting on 25 June 2011.
- To note that the cost of the meeting room in Church House is £17.50 per session.
- To note the date of the next meeting on 20 June 2011 at 7 pm in Church House.