Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Issued on 15 November 2011 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on 21 November 2011 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 17 October 2011
- To receive the Draft Minutes of the Play Areas Committee Meeting held on 3 November 2011
- To approve the Draft Minutes of the extra Ordinary Meeting held on 7 November 2011
- To receive the Draft Minutes of the Staffing Committee Meeting held on 7 November 2011
- To receive the Draft Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 7 November 2011
- To receive the Draft Minutes of the Manor Vale Committee Meeting held on 11 November 2011
- To consider matters arising.
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
- Discussions with District and County Councillors
- County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
- Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
- County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
- Committees:
- To set Terms of Reference for the Planning Committee
- To set Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee
- To ratify the Terms of Reference for the Staffing Committee which were updated and agreed by the Staffing Committee at the Committee meeting on 19 September 2011.
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- To present a framework for discussion on preparation of the budget 2012/13 including proposals in respect of revenue and capital costs (Financial SO 2.1)
- To decide on whether an additional Town Council meeting needs to be called in order to prepare the budget 2012/13.
- To receive for information the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee for the Community Led Plan
- Old Library:
- To agree to authorise the Town Clerk to arrange for necessary remedial works in order to obtain the Certificate of Electrical Safety a the Old Library so that it complies with the insurance regulations. The previous quote for this work was £750.
- To agree to work being carried out on the boarded up window area in order to comply with information received from the Council’s insurance company.
- Parking Changes in Kirkbymoorside
- To consider making a request to NYCC for the central part of the Market Place (north of Church Street and West End) to be made free but restricted parking, with a 2 hour limit based on the use of standard parking discs.
- To include in the request the pressing need to generate more movement of cars in the heart of the town's retail area especially allowing for the possible arrival of a Tesco supermarket.
- To ask that the change be made without further investigation into traffic matters in the town.
- Parking Enforcement
- To consider pressing the police to take more action over parking offences in the centre of the town, where there is frequent parking on pavements, parking on double yellow lines and disabled areas.
- To note that the police appear to have taken no notice of the council's request for action to alleviate problems in Gillamoor Road and Dale End and to request the police to explain why there is no response to reasonable requests seeking to deal with problems that concern townspeople.
- To note complaints received in respect of the parking of Post Office vans in the vicinity of Town Farm Car Park and the residential areas and to consider the appropriate action.
- To respond to a written query regarding the comment “Who runs the Kirkbymoorside Town Council website?”
- To request that a member of Council assist in the preparation of the Risk Assessment for the Christmas Lights.
- To consider investigating the feasibility of moving part of the boundary wall and hedge of the Old Road Play Area approximately ten feet to the east at its northern end, so as to create parking spaces at right angles to the road, thus increasing parking space both for users of the Play Area and for the nearby town centre at busy times.
- Play Areas:
- To consider applications from members of the public to join the Play Areas Committee.
- The following items were agreed at the Play Areas Committee Meeting on 3 Nov 11 but must be ratified by the Council:
- 3 quarterly checks at a cost of £45 per check being carried out by a Play Inspector from Park Lane Playgrounds and that ROSPA will continue to carry out the annual inspection at a cost of £237.
- To delegate the changing of the wording on the main noticeboard at Old Road to the Assistant Clerk who will instruct a sign writer.
- To replace the broken fence along one side of the Play Area with a wooden one at a cost £480.
- To allow the under planting of 25 shrubs in the newly cleared area bordering gardens in Ryedale Crescent at a cost of £160 by Allgardens and to agree that they are consistently maintained to avoid overgrowth
- To allow the tidying up in the middle area of the woodland walk, the cutting back of brambles by the path and the clearance of fallen leaves on the path at a cost of £140 by Allgardens.
- To consider the need to review and reprint the Town Guide.
- To review and agree additional cost of £610 for work to be carried out to the remaining 30 Seats and Benches in and around Kirkbymoorside by Environmental Art.
- To consider creating a working party in order to review Standing Orders and Financial Standing Orders.
- To note that we have received a request from North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA) for consultation of their review of the Management Plan.
- To consider purchasing a salt bin for Manor Vale Road at a cost of £125 for the 200kg bin and 2 salt refills.
- To receive the Town Mayors Report.
- To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies.
- To receive reports from Members on delegated matters.
- To note the date that the Christmas lights will be switched on.
- To consider how the Town Council would like to be involved in the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
- To receive the Officers’ report
- Questions to the Chairman
- To note the date for opening of Tesco questionnaire response on the 12th December at 7pm in Church House
- To note the date of the next meeting on 19 December 2011 at 7 pm in Church House.