Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Issued on 12 March 2012 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on 19 March 2012 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
- To receive apologies for absence.
- Presentation by Mr Ball of Bentley’s – Contractors to Yorkshire Water regarding the on-going works at Manor Vale, Dale End and Gillamoor Road
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 20 February 2012
- To receive the draft minutes of the Planning Committee held on 20 February 2012
- To receive the draft minutes of the Manor Vale Committee held on 9 March 2012
- To consider matters arising.
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
- Discussions with District and County Councillors
- County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
- Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
- County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
- Consider requests for grants (application forms provided separately):
- Ryedale Citizens Advice Bureau
- Kirkbymoorside in Bloom
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- To receive the financial statements from Moore Stephens
- Play Area
- To note that the planned meeting of 6 March 2012 did not occur and that currently no date has been rescheduled
- To receive an update regarding the Wetpour at Old Road Play Area
- To note the swings and large cantilever swing have been rehung at the correct heights (as per Park Lane Play Inspector advice) at a cost of £150
- To agree to work being carried out to secure the T hinge on the gate between the skate park and the play area at a cost of £80
- To agree the service level agreement between NYCC and the Town Council regarding front office services in Church House
- To agree to the Assistant Town Clerk working alongside Ryedale District Council staff in the library for 2 to 3 hours per week from 1 June 2012
- To agree the amended contract and job description for the Assistant Town Clerk.
- To receive a report from the Interview Panel regarding the appointment of the Assistant Town Clerk
- Old Library
- To receive the report from the working group
- To agree the work to be carried out on the building
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
- To consider responses from organisations contacted and agree celebrations in the Town for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
- To agree a budget for the Celebrations
- To agree the date, venue and format of the Annual Town Meeting
- To agree the budget for the Moorsider for 2012/13
- To receive the amended draft of the calendar of meetings of Council for the year 2012/13
- To agree to donate the wireless router to the give or take day – April 1 2012.
- Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies.
- Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
- Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- Receive officers' report
- Questions to the Chairman
- To note the date of the next meeting on 16 April 2012 at 7 pm in Church House.