Kirkbymoorside Town Council
The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY | |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda - Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 16 March 2015
Issued on 11 March 2015 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30 pm on 16th March 2015 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on 16 February 2015
- To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 16 February 2015
- To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 27 February 2015
- To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Staffing Committee held on 12 March 2015
- To consider matters arising
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
- Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- To receive the Financial Summary for March 2015
- To receive recommendations from the Finance Committee
- To agree the appointment of an internal auditor
- To agree the terms of reference for the internal auditor
- To agree to rename account number 31430734 (previously allocated to Cemetery Funds, present balance £0.00 (Minute 14141g)) to 'Town Team Funds' pursuant to minutes 14029d), 14047d) and 14072c)
- To consider and agree to authorise payment by direct debit for fuel charges associated with the sportsfield
- To receive recommendations from the Staffing Committee and agree the updated draft Councils Priorities and Cost Control Statement
- To agree to adopt a policy in relation to the management of the Moorside Room
- To review the revised Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and consider an appropriate response
- To consider and agree to roll out a Canine Watch Initiative and agree expenditure up to £500
- To agree the purchase of 10m3 of 8-40mm Play Grade Bark at a cost of £562.20 + VAT
- To consider and agree the Grant Application for £1000 submitted by the Kirkbymoorside History Group to purchase a laptop, scanner and software and contribute to the cost of meeting room hire
- To review the honorarium for the winding of All Saints' Church Clock, currently £100 per annum
- 'Welcome to Kirkbymoorside' sign
- To note that the cost of replacing the damaged 'Welcome to Kirkbymoorside' sign to the west of Kirkbymoorside will be £185.00
- To consider and agree the option of replacing the damaged 'Welcome to Kirkbymoorside' sign or removing the sign altogether
- To note that a non-competitive Cycle event, the ‘Daffodils Cycle Ride’ will pass through the area on 18th April 2015
- To receive the nominations for the Community Award and to agree the recipient
- To agree a date for the Town Meeting
- To receive the schedule of meetings for 2015-16
- To agree the proposed date of Monday 4th May for the 'Clean Up Our Town' event
- Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies
- Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
- Receive the Town Clerk's Report
- Questions to the Chairman
- To note the date of the next meeting on 20 April 2015 at 7.30pm in Church House
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