Issued on 15th March 2017 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30pm on 20th March 2017 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
To receive apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
Minutes and Matters Arising
To receive and approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 20th February 2017
To receive the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 9th March 2017
To receive the minutes of the Play Areas and Sports Committee meeting held on 16th March 2017
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
To consider financial matters:
To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
To receive the Financial Summary to 28th February 2017
To receive recommendations from the Finance Committee
To agree the appointment of an internal auditor
To agree the terms of reference for the internal auditor
To agree the monthly payment of £130 to Kirkbymoorside Community Library in respect of Town Council office premises in Church House
To note information received from FSB in respect of the closure of the Kirkbymoorside HSBC branch
To consider and agree the grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside Bowls Club in the amount of £439.92 for the purchase of 8no. Henselite Bowls Gatherers to satisfy safety criteria
To consider and agree the grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside Cricket Club in the amount of £2096.51 for the installation of showers and mixer valves in the home and away changing rooms
To consider tenders received for Maintenance of Manor Vale Woodland and grounds maintenance and appoint a contractor
Moorside Room
To consider and agree the installation of an exterior emergency light at the entrance to the Moorside Room at a cost of £160(no VAT), in compliance with Fire & Safety Regulations
To consider and agree the appointment of East Coast Fire & Rescue Services for the six-monthly service for Alarm and Emergency Lighting at a cost of £70.00 + VAT per inspection, in compliance with Fire & Safety Regulations
To note the supply and installation of 1no. 1kg powder fire extinguisher and signage by East Coast Fire & Rescue Services in compliance with Fire & Safety Regulations.
To consider and agree the request from All Saints’ PCC, to grant permission for a surface mounted cable to run from ground level to a sensor at height of approximately 9’, to the exterior of the Moorside Room, front right aspect.
To consider information received from Philip Sharp, NYCC Highways Authority in respect of parking and traffic concerns on West End and agree an appropriate response
To receive information on progress of negotiations between Ryedale District Council and Royal Mail in respect of parking permits in Town Farm and other RDC car parks for the Royal Mail vehicles
To receive information in respect of progress of the Ryedale Market Towns Promotion project and agree a contribution of £500 pa for 2 years pursuant to minute 16143
Community Resilience & Emergency Planning for Kirkbymoorside
To consider and agree to invite members of the public to participate in the formation of a Community Resilience & Emergency plan
To note correspondence received from Anne Nightingale, Frack Free Ryedale and to reiterate the policy position, Minute 14163 dated 19 January 2015, as follows: “We have a number of unresolved concerns about important aspects of fracking, and therefore are opposed to any fracking activities in our locality until such a time as satisfactory answers are forthcoming”
To note that pursuant to complaints by residents regarding the condition of the hedge row and recycling area at the A170 layby RDC StreetScene are aware of the issue and action has been instructed
To agree a date for the Town Meeting
To receive the schedule of meetings for 2017-18
To receive the Town Mayor's Report
Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
To receive reports from Members on delegated matters
To receive the Town Clerk's report
Questions to the Chairman
To note the date of the next meeting on 24th April 2017 at 7.30pm in Church House