Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda 14 April 2014
Issued on 9 April for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30pm on 14th April March 2014 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on 17 March 2014
- To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Sports Committee held on 8 April 2014
- To consider matters arising
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
- Discussions with District and County Councillors
- County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
- Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
- County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- To note that Graham & Co will not be available to carry out the internal audit
- To consider and agree to authorise the Town Clerk to appoint an alternative internal auditor
- To consider and agree to the expenditure of £50 towards the cost of cotton bags to promote the Ryedale Market Towns
- To consider and agree to upgrade the office computer system with a new unit running Windows 8.1
- To consider advice received from Hedleys Solicitors pursuant to minute 13196a) dated 20 January 2014 for the standardisation of leases for all the buildings and a licence of the pitches
- Sports Committee
- To receive and consider recommendations regarding sportsfield levies
- Planning
- To discuss and agree the Councils further response to Planning Applications 14/00151/FUL, 14/00153/FUL 14/00177/OUT for the development of the Old Highways Depot site at Manor Vale
- The Moorside Room
- To receive an update regarding the progress of the works to the Moorside Room
- To consider and agree a policy for the management of the Moorside Room
- To consider and agree the requirements for furnishing the Moorside Room
- To consider and agree to erect a sign with the name of 'The Moorside Room' on the building and agree a format
- Made in Kirkby
- To receive an update on the progress of arrangements for the 'Made in Kirkby' event
- To discuss and agree means of publication and promotion of the event
- Neighbourhood Plan
- To consider and agree options of direct support and grant funding
- To note any progress in respect of the S106 project funding applications which were submitted to RDC on 20 November 2013
- 5 Towns
- RDC's retention of the precept grant - to consider submitting a letter, in conjunction with the other towns, to the MP, Mr Pickles and RDC to express dissatisfaction with the reduction of the precept grant and withholding of funds
- Action for Market Towns (AMT) convention - to consider and agree to be part of the bid to host an Action for Market Towns convention in conjunction with the other market towns
- Planning Applications - to consider submitting a letter, in conjunction with the other towns, to RDC as Planning Authority to request that Planning Applications be stayed until the site allocation process as determined by the Local Plan is complete
- To consider and agree a response to communication received from Steve Shaw, Local Works to support the proposal by Sevenoaks Town Council “That the government take the necessary action to allow a percentage of Business Rates to be paid direct to Parish and Town Councils for the benefit of local economic growth.”
- Grants
- Consider requests for grants (application forms provided separately):
- All Saints Church PCC request £2000 for maintenance of All Saints Churchyard
- To consider pursuing the possibility of introducing a pedestrian crossing on Market Place to enable safe crossing of the main street and to act as a traffic calming measure
- To note that the replacement bench has been installed on Market Place
- To acknowledge receipt of an invitation from the Kirkbymoorside & District Camera Club to the Mayor to attend the official opening of the annual Photographic Exhibition on Friday 20th June
- To receive the schedule of meetings for 2014-15
- To receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies
- To receive reports from Members on delegated matters
- To receive the Town Clerk's report
- Questions to the Chairman
- To note the Annual Town meeting will be held at 7pm on 7 May 2014 in the Moorside Room
- To note the date of the next meeting on 19 May 2014 at 7.30 pm
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