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agenda2018-09-17 [2018/09/26 10:48]
admin [Agenda - Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 17th September 2018]
agenda2018-09-17 [2018/12/12 11:22] (current)
bolland [Kirkbymoorside Town Council]
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 ====== Kirkbymoorside Town Council ====== ====== Kirkbymoorside Town Council ======
-|{{:councillogosmall.png|}} |The ShamblesCrown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY |+|{{:councillogosmall.png|}} |Church House7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, YO62 6AT|
 |::: |Tel: 01751 432217 | |::: |Tel: 01751 432217 |
 |::: |Email: <town.clerk@kirkbymoorsidetowncouncil.gov.uk> | |::: |Email: <town.clerk@kirkbymoorsidetowncouncil.gov.uk> |
agenda2018-09-17.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/12 11:22 by bolland
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