To receive apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
Minutes and Matters Arising
To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Meeting held on 18th May 2020 and the 2019/20 Mayors Report (Appendix A)
To consider matters arising
Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
Community Support
To receive an update from a representative of the Community Support Organisation (CSO), pursuant to Minute 20021
To receive the draft SWOT analysis for Kirkbymoorside in respect of the Community Connect - Ryedale approach to community efforts and addressing isolation and agree any additions/revisions
To note the response from Ryedale Federation with regards to the arrangements for families eligible for a free school meal, pursuant to Minute 20021
To consider financial matters:
To note the monthly subscription charge of £14.39 (incl VAT) to facilitate remote meetings of the Council and its committees via Zoom, in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
To note the following expenditure from the Mayors Allowance (2019/20 allowance determined at minute 19011 dated 20th May 2019 - no expenditure incurred; 2020/21 allowance determined at minute 20008 dated 16th May 2020):
'Celebrating Kirkbymoorside's Community Spirit' feature in the June issue of the Handymag at a cost of £100.80
Printing of 100no. bespoke thank you cards at a cost of £65.00
To note the cost of £5.00 for the spring planting of the flower tub located at the Christmas tree manhole on Market Place and agree to delegate authority to the Town Clerk to make payment of future maintenance costs of the planter from petty cash provided expenditure is with the budget provisions of budget code 10
To report accounts paid since the last meeting of the Council and to approve cheque payments according to the list provided
To receive the Financial Summary to 31st May 2020
To consider closure of account number 51387707 balance £0.00
Town Council Standing Orders and Charges
To review the Standing Orders and agree any changes as necessary
To review the Financial Standing Orders and agree any changes as necessary
To consider the period of Exclusive Right of Burial to a period not exceeding 100 years and to review the charges for the Exclusive Right of Burial from 1 April 2020
To review the Cemetery charges and agree any changes as necessary
To revise the Town Council Burial Ground Policy as appropriate
Grant Applications
To consider the grant application submitted by All Saints Parish Church for £3000 to contribute towards the cost maintenance of All Saints graveyard and Millennium Garden
To consider the grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside Community Library (CLIC) for £1300 to contribute to the cost of cleaning Church House
Vehicle Activated Traffic Signs
To note that pursuant to Minute 20020 dated 18th May 2020 the application to the NYCC Environment Budget in the amount of £2500 to contribute to the cost of vehicle activated signs has been awarded by County Councillor Val Arnold
To consider expenditure of the balance of project costs in the amount of £3,327.50 + the VAT for the full project costs to install 2no. vehicle activated traffic signs on the A170
To receive the NALC Guidance - Compliance with the Public Sector Bodies(websites and mobile applications)(No. 2) Accessibility Regulations, 2018
To appoint two representatives to the YLCA Branch
To note the Ryedale Branch Annual Meeting on 2nd July 2020
To consider attendance of councillors and the clerk to YLCA webinars and delegate authority to the clerk, due to the current situation, to approve the cost of training from the training budget, all costs to be reported at the next available council meeting
To note that emergency tree works have been carried out at the sports field to make safe a large fallen limb on Ash tree and to prune the ripped limb back to the branch collar at a cost of £320 + VAT in accordance with Financial Standing Order 3.4
Old road play area
To note the installation of signage at the play areas, in accordance with government guidance dated 13th May 2020, pursuant to minute 20015
To note the installation of additional signage at the skatepark, in accordance with government guidance dated 1st June 2020
To note receipt of information from Environmental Art with regards to re-commencement of works to the basketball court: temporary security fence will be installed on 29th June 2020; works will commence upon delivery of materials from galvanisers by Wednesday 1st July
To consider the cost of £100 to clear the vegetation alongside the full length of the public footpath leading from West End to Feversham Drive, through Wainds Field to Nevilles Walk and Piercy End
To consider inviting members of the public to participate in arrangements for a town event when government guidance allows
To receive the Hidden Disabilities poster and press release to promote the scheme throughout Ryedale
To receive the 9 proposed street names for the Manor Woods development, 17/01449/MREM, and agree a response to the Planning Authority as appropriate
To review planning applications:
To note the planning decision in respect of planning application 20-00235-FULDecision| Change of use of part of a light industrial unit (Use Class B1) to a hot food takeaway (Use Class A5) | 30 Dove Way Kirkby Mills Industrial Estate Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6QR Approved
To receive the Town Mayor's Report
To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
To receive the Town Clerk's report
Questions to the Chair
To note the date of the next meeting on 20th July 2020 at 7.30pm, venue/accessibility to be confirmed.