Kirkbymoorside Town Council

Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT
Tel: 01751 432217

Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 21 November 2022

Issued on 16 November 2022 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.15pm on 21 November 2022 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside.

Members of the Council are required to attend. Members of the press and public are also welcome to attend.

Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.

  1. Apologies for absence
    1. To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
    2. To consider the approval of reasons given for absence
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising
    1. To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Finance Committee meeting on 13 October 2022
    2. To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 17 October 2022
    3. To consider matters arising
  4. Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
  5. Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
  6. To consider financial matters
    1. To report accounts paid since the last meeting of the Council and to approve cheque payments according to the list provided
    2. To receive the Financial Summary to 31 October 2022
    3. To note appointment by the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd of PKF Littlejohn LLP as external auditor for the period 2022 to 2027
  7. Ryedale School 3G project
    1. To receive correspondence from Ryedale School in respect of the 3G project
    2. To consider the allocation of £7000 CIL funds to support the 3G project at Ryedale School
    3. To consider renewal of the agreement made in 2019 to pledge £2000 in support of the project (resolution recorded at Minute 19021b dated 20th May 2019)
  8. To consider the grant application by John Stockton Educational Foundation for £200 to cover administration costs
  9. To receive correspondence from Kirkbymoorside Cricket and Kirkbymoorside Football clubs requesting funding for development of the shared facilities at the sports field
  10. Insurance
    1. To receive information in respect of Cyber Risk Insurance
    2. To consider quotations for Cyber Risk Insurance for the period of cover from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023
  11. Play Areas
    1. To note the response of the consultation for proposed new play equipment at Old Road play area
    2. To consider the cost of £11,818.28 + VAT for new play equipment at Old Road play area
    3. To consider the cost of £2,131.29 + VAT for remedial repairs identified as medium risk in the annual Operation Inspection report
    4. To consider the cost of £2,379.00 + VAT for supply and installation of CCTV at Old Road play area plus additional monitoring charges by Scarborough Borough Council
    5. To consider undertaking a public consultation to demonstrate the need for CCTV at Old Road play area
    6. To note removal of 2no. Ash trees at Ryedale View play area, required for safety reasons due to proximity to neighbouring property and risk of tree failure, at a cost of £330 + VAT authorised by the Town Clerk in accordance with Standing Orders
  12. The Pound
    1. To consider the design of structures commissioned to M U S T Forge pursuant to Minute 22083 dated 26 September
    2. To consider the content and design of the information panel
    3. To consider the cost of the post mounted information panel from £290 + VAT
  13. 2022/23 National Salary Award
    1. To note the Local Government Association (LGA) agreement on the 2022/23 pay scales to be implemented from 1 April 2022:
      1. With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of £1,925 on all National Joint Council (NJC) pay points 1 and above
      2. With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of one day to all employees’ annual leave entitlement
    2. To receive the revised NJC pay scales for 2022/23 to be implemented from 1 April 2022
  14. 'Freedom of the Town' - an honorary privilege in recognition of achievement or contribution to the town
    1. To consider awarding the title of 'Honorary Freeperson of Kirkbymoorside' to Tatyana Heard for her sporting prowess as a member of the Red Roses
    2. To consider the award and format of presentation to mark the achievement
    3. To consider adopting a Freedom of the Town Policy in order to bestow the title of Honorary Freeperson to future nominees
  15. Civility & Respect
    1. To receive information on the Civility & Respect Project Civility & Respect Project
    2. To consider signing up to the Civility in Public Life Pledge
    3. To receive the new model councillor-officer protocol and consider adoption of the same
  16. To receive information from North Yorkshire County Council in respect of increased energy costs for street lighting
  17. The new council and devolution for North Yorkshire - To receive information on the Let's Talk North Yorkshire consultation and agree a response Let's Talk North Yorkshire
  18. To receive information on North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner's survey to measure public trust and confidence in North Yorkshire Police Trust & Confidence in North Yorkshire Police
  19. To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
  20. To receive the Town Clerk's report
  21. To receive the Town Mayor's report
  22. Questions to the Chair
  23. To agree the date of the next ordinary meeting of the Town Council on 19 December 2022 at 7.30pm in Church House

Related Documents:

Notice issued by Mrs L Bolland, Town Clerk to Kirkbymoorside Town Council

agenda2022-11-21.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/15 11:19 by bolland
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