Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | The Shambles, Crown Square, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AY |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda -
Issued on 12 September 2011 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7 pm on 19 September 2011 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda.
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 18 July 2011.
- To consider matters arising.
- To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 5 September.
- To receive the minutes of the Manor Vale Committee held on 9 September 2011.
- To receive a report from the Staffing Committee on the Appraisal of the Assistant Town Clerk.
- To receive minutes of 5 Towns Meeting received on 15 August for the meeting of 15 March 2011.
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business.
- Questions to the Chairman
- Discussions with District and County Councillors
- County and District Councillors to respond to questions already posed
- Town Councillors to raise urgent matters recently arisen
- County and District Councillors to advise the Town Council on any new matters
- Old Road Play Area
- To agree to include the insurance of the Old Road Play Area on the general council insurance ploicy from 28 Septmber 2011.
- To consider setting up a Committee for the management of the the Old Road Play Area and Ryedale View Play Area (To be known as The Play Areas Committee). If the Town Council resolve to set up this Committee,
- to agree Terms of Reference for this Committee (see supporting papers)
- to agree a process for inviting members of the Community to be Members of the above Committee
- to agree Councillor membership for this committee
- To agree to hold monthly Councillors Surgeries on Tuesday evenings from 4 October 2011 or 1 November.
- To agree a response to the North Yorkshire County Council request regarding a Volunteers and Snow Clearance program.
- Consider request for a grant from:
- Kirkbymoorside History Group
- To note the responses from NYCC regarding proposed changes to speed limits and decide whether to collect further data by installation of speed tapes.
- To agree the notification and inclusion on the Data Protection Register for the Town Council
- Manor Vale
- To consider delegating the management of the Town Pound to the Manor Vale Committee.
- To agree to have the hedgerows cut back in Manor Vale.
- To note that a Creation Agreement must be drafted for a Public Right of Way for the footpath that links Gillamoor Road with the Golf Club Road as this footpath does not appear on the Definitive Map.
- To agree to allocate up to £200 for trees to put in the metal tubs which NYCC will be providing.
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments for August according to the list provided.
- To approve cheque payments for September according to the list provided.
- To provide information in response to Public query regarding Bank interest rates.
- To resolve to improve the Money Management of capital held at the Bank on our behalf by investing on a revolving basis, 3 increments of capital into a 3 Month Business High Interest Deposit Bond
- To note planning decisions from Ryedale District Council: -
- 11/00438/HOUSE for Mr Mark & Mrs Lisa Wake | Approved | Erection of 2 no. single storey extensions and extension of existing detached single garage to form a detached triple garage | Priory Lodge Village Street Keldholme, Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6LZ
- 11/00547/HOUSE for Camilla Wiley | Approved | Erection of single storey extension, replacement of first floor window and covered lobby area | 3 Castlegate Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6BH
- 10/00892/LBC for Mr Matthew Robinson | Appeal Dismissed | Installation of replacement door to rear elevation | 14 Dale End Kirkbymoorside York YO62 6ED
- 11/00542/FUL for Mr A Bentley| Approved | Change of use of domestic study to a picture framing studio to include formation of front entrance door and replacement of 3no. windows | Ginger Hall 54A Piercy End Kirkbymoorside YO62 6DF
- 11/00517/FUL for Barclays Bank plc | Refused| Installation of external disabled access ramp | Barclays Bank 23 Market Place Kirkbymoorside YO62 6AA|
- 11/00260/FUL for Mr Clark| Considered by Ryedale Planning Committee 31 August 2011| 11/00260/FUL | Erection of a three bedroom dwelling to include lowering of site levels and formation of parking/turning and amenity areas (revised details to refusal 10/00332/FUL) and change of use of paddock to form domestic amenity area | Land To South Of 16 Church Street Kirkbymoorside York The Chairman reported the APPROVAL of the planning application
- Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- To receive feedback from Town Meeting held on 5 September, to elect two councillors to represent the Town Council on the Steering Committee and to fund meeting rooms for the Steering Committee.
- To consider the council's policy in respect of the community plan project.
- To consider during the two week closure of the Keldholme to Hutton-le-Hole road requesting North Yorkshire Police to:
- rigorously enforce parking restrictions in Kirkbymoorside town centre;
- carry out vehicle speed enforcement in the 30 mph limit area on Gillamoor Road and Dale End in Kirkbymoorside, in both north and southbound directions and;
- place a temporary ban on parking on the north side of Dale End between the roundabout and Manor Vale Lane.
- Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies.
- Receive reports from Members on delegated matters
- Receive officers' report
- To note that the Assistant Town Clerk went to a meeting organised by NYCC in Church House to learn more about the facilities in the building.
- To note that the Playground Inspectors, ROSPA are carrying out an annual inspection of both Ryedale View and Old Road Play Area during September.
- To note that the Town Clerk and her Assistant will be going on Society of Local Council Clerks' branch training on Thurs 29 Sept in Thirsk.
- To note the date of the next meeting on 17 October 2011 at 7 pm in Church House.