Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 15 February 2021
Issued 9 February 2021 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held remotely via Zoom at 7pm on Monday 15 February 2021
Meeting access details:
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Members of the press and public are welcome to attend. Please try to join 5-10 minutes before 7.00pm to enable any technical issues to be addressed prior to the start the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting please provide apologies for absence directly to the Chair or the Town Clerk in advance of the meeting.
Recording the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.
- Apologies for absence
- To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
- To consider the approval of reasons given for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To receive and approve the draft minutes of the Meeting held on 18 January 2021
- To consider matters arising
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
- Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
- To consider financial matters:
- To report accounts paid since the last meeting of the Council and to approve payments according to the list provided
- To receive the Financial Summary to 31 January 2021
- To consider renewal of the two year Kapersky Internet Security licence, due on 9 March 2021 at a cost of £54.99
- Planning
- Review of the Ryedale Plan
- To receive information in respect of the review of the Ryedale District Council Statement of Community Involvement(SCI) and information about Future Planning Consultation
- To note the closing date of Monday 1 March for comments of the contents of the existing Statement of Community Involvement, and areas which need to be reviewed
- To consider an appropriate response
- To review planning applications:
- 20/01026/FUL | Extension to existing polycarbonate cover to form additional shelter for customers and covered plant display area | Daisy Garden Centre New Road Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire YO62 6DY
- 20/01230/ADV | Display of 5no. fascia signs, 2no. internally illuminated fascia logo signs, 1no. non illuminated fascia letter sign, 1no. internally illuminated projecting logo sign, 3no. non illuminated panel signs, 1no. non illuminated banner frame sign, 1no. non illuminated community board sign, 5no. non illuminated post mounted signs and 1no. internally illuminated 4.5 metre totem sign | Co-Op Piercy End Kirkbymoorside
- 21/00049/FUL | Change of use and alterations to stables to form 1no. four bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping | Land At OS Field 04201 Village Street Keldholme Kirkbymoorside North Yorkshire
- Play Areas
- To receive information on Public Space Protection Orders and agree a response as appropriate
- To note damage to the slide element of the multi-play equipment at Ryedale View play area caused by vandalism and reported to North Yorkshire Police on 1 February 2021, reference NYP-01022021-0372
- To note the cost of £239.76 + VAT for replacement parts, authorised by the Town Clerk in accordance with Financial Standing Order 3.4
- To note that works are in progress to obtain quotations for the cost of installing a new boardwalk at Ryedale View play area
- Flooding
- To receive correspondence from residents of Kirby Mills regarding the historical issues relating to flooding
- To consider the impact of recent flooding at Kirby Mills and agree a response as appropriate
- Poplar tree 0166 on eastern boundary of the sports field
- To receive information on the condition of the tree and consider the recommendations received from independent qualified professionals
- To consider quotations for works recommended and agree appointment of the same
- Town Farm car park
- To note that the current suspension to parking charges in Ryedale District Council car parks is a temporary response to the Covid emergency
- To receive information from District Councillors Cussons and Riby in response to the suggestion that the period of suspended charges should be extended indefinitely
- To consider submitting a proposal to Ryedale District Council to negotiate the future management of parking charges applicable to Town Farm car park
- Kirkby Community Fridge
- To receive information from Kirkby Community Fridge and agree a response as appropriate
- To authorise payment of £431.97 being the balance of funds awarded to the project held by the Town Council, to Kirkbymoorside Community Fridge
- To consider a response to the YLCA survey on the power to hold remote meetings
- To note the YLCA Remote Conference will be held on 21 and 22 April 2021 and consider attendance by the Town Clerk at a cost of £40.00
- Manor Vale
- To note that repairs have been carried out by Andrew Hall, NYCC Public Rights of Way Field Officer, to the steps leading from the golf course road to Neville's Castle
- To consider a ceiling budget of £220.00 to cover the cost of purchase and installation of crushed road planings to in-fill the steps
- To note relocation of the Kirkbymoorside gateway sign as specified in the S278 Highways Agreement associated with the development of Manor Woods
- To note the temporary closure of Westfields, Planning Notification 00028423, for a period of 3 days between 15 and 17 February 2021
- To receive the draft plan for management of the weir and consider inclusion of the same at Section 4.0 of the ground maintenance contract
- To receive the Citizen's Advice Service Update
- To receive the Town Clerk's Report
- To receive the Town Mayor's Report
- To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
- Questions to the Chair
- To agree to exclude members of the public from discussion of agenda item 24.
- To receive the nominations for the Community Award and to agree the recipient
- To note the date of the next meeting to be held remotely via Zoom at 7pm on Monday 15 March 2021
Related Documents:
Notice issued by L Bolland, Town Clerk to Kirkbymoorside Town Council