Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda for the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 21 February 2022
Issued on 15 February 2022 for a meeting of the Town Council to be at Church House, 7.30pm on Monday 21 February 2022
Members of the Council are required to attend in person. Members of the press and public are also welcome to attend. There is limited availability for physical attendance, due to the necessity for social distancing. All participants are required to register their intention to attend by contacting the Town Clerk in advance, by 5pm on the date of the meeting. Email or leave a message by telephone 01751 432217.
All attendees are asked to respect the continued need for social distancing and adhere to the Covid-19 safeguarding protocol, including hand sanitising and track and trace/registration upon arrival.
Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.
- Apologies for absence
- To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
- To consider the approval of reasons given for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To receive and approve the draft minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2022
- To receive the draft minutes of the Manor Vale Management committee meeting held on 10 February 2022
- To consider matters arising
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
- Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
- To consider financial matters:
- To report accounts paid since the last meeting of the Council and to approve payments according to the list provided
- To receive the Financial Summary to 31 January 2022
- Old Road play area
- To note the remedial repairs to play equipment at Old Road is scheduled to be completed in w/c 21 February 2022, pursuant to Minute 21125
- To note that the frame of the bark pit has been replaced, at a cost of £450, works authorised by the clerk in accordance with Financial Standing Orders 5.5 and 5.6
- Street furniture
- To consider the cost of purchasing a replacement notice board on Market Place
- To consider allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy funds from application 17/00849/FUL (£1530.00), and the balance of expenditure from cost code 5 to cover the costs associated with purchase and installation of the new notice board
- To note that Phase One of the programme to refurbish the public benches and seats has been completed and Phase Two is in progress (pursuant to minutes 21058 and 21126)
- To note that arrangements with RV Roger Ltd for the planting of the tree planters to be installed on Market Place are in progress with an estimated installation in April/early May, dependent on weather (pursuant to minutes 21058 and 21122)
- Jubilee Celebrations
- To receive information on progress of arrangements for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- To consider the allocation of £250 from Cost Code 5 to purchase bunting and decorations
- To consider the estimated expense of £500 for costs associated with management of temporary road closures and allocation of costs from Cost Code 5
- To consider allocation from Cost Code 5 of a ceiling budget for additional expenditure associated with the town event
- To consider formation of a Working Group to liaise with the local residents and businesses to co-ordinate the town event on 4 June 2022
- To receive information on the 20's Plenty For Us campaign, pursuant to minute 21147, and agree any appropriate action
- To receive the draft Structural Order for the North Yorkshire Council
- To receive the latest North Yorkshire Climate Practitioners Update
- To receive the Town Mayor's Report
- To receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and on delegated matters
- To receive the Town Clerk's report
- Questions to the Chair
- To agree to exclude members of the public from discussion of agenda item 18.
- To receive the nominations for the Community Award and to agree the recipient(s)
- To note the next meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 21 March 2022 in Church House
Related Documents:
Notice issued by Mrs L Bolland, Town Clerk to Kirkbymoorside Town Council