Kirkbymoorside Town Council
![]() | Church House, 7 High Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6AT |
Tel: 01751 432217 | |
Email: | | |
Agenda - Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council 21st May 2018
Issued on 16th May 2018 for a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7.30pm on 21st May 2018 in Church House, Kirkbymoorside
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend
Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting is permitted so long as this does not disrupt the meeting in any way. As a matter of courtesy should you wish to record the meeting please make this known to the Chair.
- To elect the Town Mayor for the ensuing year
- To record the Declaration of Office of the Town Mayor
- To receive Councillor Ashworth’s report of his engagements since the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council in April and comments on his period of office
- To give a vote of thanks to Councillor Ashworth for his work during the year 2017-2018
- To elect the Deputy Town Mayor for the coming year
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda
- To confirm the amount of the Town Mayor’s Annual Allowance and how this is to be paid
- To agree membership and quorum for Committees listed below and to appoint Members to Committees, delegated teams and representatives:
- Committees
- Finance Committee
- Manor Vale Management Committee
- Planning Committee
- Play Areas & Sports Committee
- Staffing Committee
- Disciplinary Panel
- Appeals Panel
- Delegates teams
- Internal Control - Councillors Audit
- Cemetery Duties
- Representatives
- Five Towns Meeting
- Ryedale Market Towns Working Group
- North Ryedale Public Transport Group
- Police – Kirkbymoorside Community Consultation Group
- Kirkbymoorside Environment Group
- John Stockton Trust Foundation
- To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
- Minutes and Matters Arising
- To approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 16th April 2018
- To consider matters arising
- Public Session - to allow members of the public to make representations, ask questions and give evidence in respect of any items of business
- Discussions with Town, District and County Councillors in respect of questions already posed, and any new matters
- To consider financial matters:
- To approve cheque payments according to the list provided
- To receive the Financial Summary to 30th April 2018
- Annual Accounts and Return to 31st March 2018
- To consider the Annual Governance Statements as set out in Section 1 of the Annual Return for year ending 31st March 2018 and approve as appropriate
- To approve the Accounts for the year to 31st March 2018
- To consider the figures to be included in Section 2 (Accounting Statements) of the Annual Return for year ending 31st March 2018
- To approve by resolution the figures to be included in Section 2 (Accounting Statements) of the Annual Return for year ending 31st March 2018
- To approve the Bank Reconciliation for inclusion in the Annual Return for year ending 31 March 2018
- To approve a report on variances in the accounts beyond the permitted 15%
- To approve Minutes of items a-f above
- Grant Applications
- To consider and agree the grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside History Group for £600 to contribute towards the cost of room hire, commercial printing of programmes, advertising and banners to promote the 'Kirkbymoorside Heritage Day 2018' event
- To consider and argee the grant application submitted by Moorsbus Community Interest Company for £400 to contribute towards the cost of contracts associated with the Moorsbus
- To consider and agree the grant application submitted by Kirkbymoorside Community Library (CLiC) for £2,000 to contribute towards the cost of cleaning the Library building
- To review the Town Cemetery charges and agree any changes as appropriate
- General Data Protection Regulations
- To consider the following draft data audit, notices, policies and forms and recommend any changes:
- Draft GDPR Data/Information Audit
- Privacy Notices
- Privacy Notice - General
- Privacy Notice - Staff, Councillors & Volunteers
- Contact Privacy Notice
- Email Contact Privacy Notice
- New Councillor Privacy Notice
- Employee Privacy Notice
- Moorside Room Hirers Privacy Notice
- Policies
- Information Protection Policy
- Retention of Documents Policy
- Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy
- Contact Consent Forms
- New Councillor
- Employee
- Moorside Room Hirer
- Sports Club Tenancy @ the Sportsfield
- To consider and agree to adopt the data audit, notices, policies and forms
- To note the ICO's Statement on the General Data Protection Regulations and advice from SLCC confirming that a Data Protection Officer cannot be appointed until the legislation is made to state if the Town Council requires one
- To note the launch of the 2018 National Rural Crime Survey, open to all members of the public, closing date for submissions 10 June 2018
- To acknowledge correspondence received from a member of the public with regards to site 156 on the Ryedale Local Plan and agree a suitable response
- NYCC Highways & Transportation
- To receive correspondence from NYCC Highways and Transportation in respect of the proposed introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions (double yellow lines), on the North West side of Tinely Garth, between the junctions of Shaw Drive and Westfield/West End
- To note the submission made by the Town Clerk on behalf of the Town Council pursuant to consideration of the same at the April meeting Minute 17233
- To receive the response from NYCC Highways and Transportation in response to the aforementioned submission at 21b and agree a suitable response
- To receive correspondence from NYCC Highways and Transportation in respect of the proposed introduction and extension of no waiting at any time restrictions (double yellow lines), on Dale End and Castlegate, in the vicinity of the mini roundabout at the top of High Market Place and agree a suitable response
- To consider and agree to support the Rotary campaign to eradicate polio by resolving to purchase either:
- 5000no. crocus corms at a cost of £100 to be planted on the A170 verge on approach to the town from Pickering; or
- 10,000no. corms at a cost of £200, to be planted on the A170 verge on approach to the town from Pickering and Helmsley
- To consider and agree the cost of £150 to refurbish the two public benches outside the Memorial Hall in conjunction with the building decorating works currently in progress
- To note the next focus for Ryedale District Council’s Don’t be a Waster – Reduce, Reuse, Respect campaign is ‘making do and mending’
- To receive a report on progress of the Great Plastic Pick Up event in conjunction with Kirkbymoorside Environment Group on 13 May 2018
- To consider and agree to support a 'Keep Kirkbymoorside Tidy' campaign proposed by Cllr Chapman to include the following initiatives:
- encourage participation by Kirkbymoorside Primary School to run a competition for Keep Kirkbymoorside Tidy posters
- encourage businesses to join in by sweeping outside their premises
- implement a “stub it, bin it” campaign to stop cigarette butts littering the pavements
- To receive correspondence from Kirkbymoorside Community Primary School expressing thanks for the Town Council's support of the Kirkbymoorside 10k event
- Receive the Town Mayor’s Report
- Receive reports from Members representing the Town Council at meetings of outside bodies and delegated matters
- Receive the Town Clerk's report
- Questions to the Chair
- To note the date of the next ordinary meeting of the Town Council on 18th June 2018 at 7.30 pm in Church House
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