Agendas Ordinary Town Council meetings

Agendas Finance Committee

Agendas Manor Vale Management Committee

Agendas Planning Committee

Agenda 25 April 2022

21 March 2022 - no planning applications for consideration

Agenda 21 February 2022

Agenda 17 January 2022

Agenda 20 December 2021 This meeting did not convene due to a lack of quorum.

Agenda 15 November 2021

Agenda 18 October 2021

Agenda 20 September 2021

Agenda 19 July 2021

All planning matters were considered by the full council for the period from March 2020 to July 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Agendas - Staffing Committee

Agenda 12 January 2022

Agenda 20 December 2021 The meeting did not convene due to a lack of quorum.

Agenda 15 November 2021

agendas2021-22.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/10 08:30 by bolland
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